Calibration Standards for
Radiation Safety and Monitoring Programs
NTS provides customer specified calibration standards for the
variety of radiation monitoring instruments that are typically used
for radiation safety programs of the operations for personnel
monitoring, area contamination monitoring, environmental monitoring
and other operating license required activities. The calibration
standards are used for the measurements of alpha-/beta emitting
radionuclide using proportional counters, GM counters and
scintillation detectors as well as standards for gamma/x-ray
measurements using scintillation detectors and solid-state
detectors. The standards provide the accurate calibrations for wipe
test determinations, airborne particulate and gaseous measurements,
wide-area and personnel contamination measurements, internal
dosimetry (whole-body counting) etc..
Each standard is prepared gravimetrically with a calibrated
balance. After preparation, each standard is counted with a
calibrated counting system.
The counting efficiency is compared to the counting efficiency of
at least one independent standard and agreement must be within NTS
stated uncertainty.
Surface Contamination Radiation Monitoring
Standards for alpha, beta and gamma-ray surface contamination
monitors can be supplied in many different sizes. Alpha and beta
standards are Mylar™ covered. Gamma-ray contamination monitor
standards are contained in a more durable plastic covering.
The surface contamination standards are prepared gravimetrically
from calibrated solutions. A wide variety of alpha, beta or
gamma-ray emitting radionuclides can be used. Geometries
prepared include the standard square 10 x 10 cm, 10 x 15 cm, and set
up to 1 x 1 m standards. Other configurations are available.
Call or email for quotes,
questions or requests.