Radioactive Calibration Standards
NTS provides instrument calibration standards for Gamma
spectroscopic measurements for wide energy range calibrations of
high purity germanium detectors (HPGe) or sodium- iodide detectors;
Gas flow proportional counter for gross alpha-beta and beta emitting
radionuclide measurements; Alpha spectrometric systems for
measurements of alpha emitting radionuclide and Liquid Scintillation
counting systems for H-3, C-14 and other beta emitting radionuclide.
Each standard is prepared gravimetrically with a NIST traceable
calibrated balance. After preparation, the standard is counted with
a calibrated counting system. The counting efficiencies are compared
to the counting efficiency of at least one independent standard and
agreement must be within NTS stated uncertainty.
The calibration standards are prepared to meet NTS
quality-assurance and quality-control requirements. NTS supplied
calibration standards are either prepared directly from NIST
traceable standards and/or their activities characterized by using
gamma spectroscopy systems or other counting instruments which are
calibrated using NIST traceable standards.
The NTS standard operating procedures to provide NIST
traceability are controlled under NTS quality assurance and quality
control program. The NTS quality assurance program is based on and
complies with ANSI NQA-1 requirements. The NTS QA and QC program
also satisfies the requirements of the
United States
' Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Regulatory Guide 4.15, Revision 1,
1979, and ANSI N42.22-1995 American National Standard - Traceability
of Radioactive Sources to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) and Associated Instrument Quality Control.
Radionuclide Standards
for Gamma Spectroscopy
NTS provides instrument calibration standards for Gamma
spectroscopic measurements for wide energy range calibrations of
high purity germanium detectors (HPGe) or sodium- iodide detectors;
Each standard is prepared gravimetrically with a NIST traceable
calibrated balance. After preparation, the standard is counted with
a gamma spectrometric system calibrated with NIST traceable
standard. The counting efficiencies are compared to the counting
efficiency of at least one independent NIST traceable standard and
agreement must be within NTS stated uncertainty.
Gamma Spectroscopy Standards
NTS can also provide single-radionuclide standards in custom
specified geometry utilizing a wide variety of radionuclide. Contact
us with your specifications of radionuclide, activity and geometry.
- Water-equivalent solid
standards prepared in various different geometries.
- Air Filter standards uniformly
deposited per customers’ specifications and sealed in customer
supplied geometry configurations.
- Charcoal and silver zeolite
cartridge standards are prepared in cartridges loaded to
customer specifications.
- Soil or sand standards in
customer supplied counting containers with matrix density
ranging from 1.5 g/cc to 1.7 g/cc.
- Vegetation or simulated
vegetation standards in customer supplied counting containers
with an approximate density of 0.6 g/cc.
- Simulated gas standards in
customer supplied gas counting containers.
- Point sources in various
geometries to customer specifications.
Call us for your geometry needs. Each standard is prepared
gravimetrically with a NIST traceable calibrated balance. After
preparation, each standard is counted with a calibrated detector
Radio-Iodine Determination
NTS supplies mixed and single radionuclide gamma-ray standards
for airborne radio-iodine determinations. The calibrated
radionuclide solution is gravimetrically dispensed and evaporated on
activated charcoal or silver zeolite then is sealed in the
customer's canister or cartridge. The activity can be deposited on
the first 3 to 5 mm of the charcoal or zeolite material to simulate
the distribution found in actual samples (face-loaded) or
homogenously loaded throughout the cartridge per customer required
Charcoal or silver zeolite canister or cartridge standards can be
prepared using NIST traceable mixed gamma-ray standard or using
single radionuclides such as 125I or 131I.
In applications where gamma-ray coincidence summing is not a
problem, 133Ba can be used.
The NTS simulated-gas standards provide calibration for gamma-ray
spectrometers over a wide energy range. The standards are prepared
using NIST traceable mixed gamma-ray standard mixtures deposited on
a low-density polystyrene matrix in customer’s actual counting
containers. The matrix has a density of 0.015 to 0.020 g/cc.
All simulated-gas standards are prepared gravimetrically from
NIST traceable solutions and QC tested against actual gas standards
in the same geometry.
Particulate and Wipe-Test Determinations
NTS supplies custom-geometry filter-paper standards that provide
accurate calibrations for air particulate and contamination (wipe
test) measurements. The alpha and beta filter-paper standards are
Mylar™ covered and calibrated in total activity contained in the
standard. The Mylar™ covering gives realistic attenuation
characteristics and the custom mounting using the customer's filter
and planchet gives realistic backscattering characteristics. The
Mylar™ covering can be 0.5, 0.85 or 1.7 mg/cm2 depending on the
application. Other coverings are available upon request.
The filter standards are prepared gravimetrically from calibrated
solutions. A wide variety of alpha, beta or gamma-ray emitting
radionuclide can be used. The covering and filter composite is then
mounted in the customers' planchet or specified backing for
counting. The calibration of the standard comes from the gravimetric
preparation and is given in total activity contained in the
standard. The filter standards can be prepared with a wide variety
of active areas to accurately reproduce the actual counting
geometry: circular, semi-circular, a quarter circle to simulate a
folded filter, square, rectangular and many others. For special
applications the activity can be made to vary across the active
(Simulated Evaporated Liquid)
Planchet standards simulating an evaporated liquid are prepared
for use in gross alpha and gross beta determinations. As with the
filter standards, the standard is prepared gravimetrically on
Mylar™. The Mylar™ is mounted directly in the customer's
planchet without a filter or backing. The backscatter and
attenuation characteristics simulate an evaporated liquid in a
planchet with a solid residue of approximately 0.5 or 0.85 mg/cm2.
99Tc calibrated for only beta emission rate is
available, and can be prepared on 24.1-mm or 47.1-mm steel disks
with various active areas.
NTS supplies custom geometry electrodeposited standards for alpha
spectrometry. The standards can be prepared on 19.2 mm, 24.1 mm or
47.1 mm stainless steel disks with various active areas. The
following mixtures of radionuclides are available:
- Natural Uranium, 239Pu
and 241Am
- 230Th, 239Pu
and 244Cm
- 230Th, 239Pu,
244Cm and 241Am
Single radionuclide standards are prepared using any of the
radionuclides in the mixtures as well as 238Pu and isotopes of
uranium. All standards are calibrated in total alpha emission
rate measured by gas-flow or scintillation counting.
Scintillation Counting Standards
Custom quench standard sets (typically 5-10 vials) for liquid
scintillation counting can be prepared using the customer's LS
counting fluid (cocktail). Standards are prepared gravimetrically
and flame sealed in glass LS vials. Radionuclide available include,
but are not limited to the following:
- 3H
- 14C
- 36Cl
- 55Fe
- 63Ni
- 99Tc
- 89Sr
- 90Sr
After preparation, the quenched sets are counted on one of NTS's calibrated liquid scintillation counting systems. Contact
us with your specific requirements. Customers can supply their
specific type of liquid scintillation vials.

A set contains 3H, 14C, and a background
sample. Activities are 5 kBq (300,000 dpm) for 3H and
2.16 kBq (130,000 dpm) for 14C.
A set contains 241Am, 36Cl and a background
sample. Typical activities are 1.6 kBq (100,000 dpm) for each
isotope. Other radionuclides and activities are available upon
Call or email for quotes,
questions or special requests.